The Lighter Side of Academia: Cartoon Archive

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Listed below are all of the higher education cartoons that has published. Do you have an idea for a cartoon or would you like to subscribe?

Click on a cartoon to view the full cartoon and caption.

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  Cartoon #36, Being a diligent faculty member, Professor Smith
makes sure that he provides ample office hours.  
Cartoon #36, Being a diligent faculty member, Professor Smith makes sure that he provides ample office hours.
Posted on: Jan. 29th, 2007

  Cartoon #35, Getting William, III into Ivy U.  
Cartoon #35, Getting William, III into Ivy U.
Posted on: Jan. 15th, 2007 Cartoon #34 Cartoon #34
Posted on: Dec. 20th, 2006

  Cartoon #33, What Makes Successful Big College 
Coaches - Stand by Your Players!  
Cartoon #33, What Makes Successful Big College Coaches - Stand by Your Players!
Posted on: Dec. 12th, 2006

  Cartoon #32, Professor Smith learns the difference between wet and dry erase.  
Cartoon #32, Professor Smith learns the difference between wet and dry erase.
Posted on: Dec. 4th, 2006 Cartoon #31 Cartoon #31
Posted on: Nov. 14th, 2006 Cartoon #30 Cartoon #30
Posted on: Nov. 2nd, 2006

  Cartoon #29, Your CV is no longer in the correct format.  Please revise using 
the guidelines for faculty CVs (v2.3.34) and resubmit by tomorrow.  
Cartoon #29, Your CV is no longer in the correct format. Please revise using the guidelines for faculty CVs (v2.3.34) and resubmit by tomorrow.
Posted on: Oct. 18th, 2006 Cartoon #28 Cartoon #28
Posted on: Sep. 27th, 2006

  Cartoon #27, American Medical Association:  University hospitals
have shortage of patients in certain areas.  
Cartoon #27, American Medical Association: University hospitals have shortage of patients in certain areas.
Posted on: Sep. 18th, 2006

  Cartoon #26, Professor Smith learns how it feels to be over-appreciated.  
Cartoon #26, Professor Smith learns how it feels to be over-appreciated.
Posted on: Sep. 6th, 2006

  Cartoon #25, How many professors does it take 
to run a Super Point presentation?  
Cartoon #25, How many professors does it take to run a Super Point presentation?
Posted on: Aug. 17th, 2006

  Cartoon #24, Professor Smith learns to restrain himself.  
Cartoon #24, Professor Smith learns to restrain himself.
Posted on: Jul. 26th, 2006

  Cartoon #23, What happens to all of the strategic plans?  
Cartoon #23, What happens to all of the strategic plans?
Posted on: Jul. 19th, 2006

  Cartoon #22, Professor Smith finds creative ways to lower the test average.  
Cartoon #22, Professor Smith finds creative ways to lower the test average.
Posted on: Jul. 10th, 2006

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