Post Your Higher Education Job with Academic Keys for Community Colleges

Academic Keys has established itself as the premier site for recruitment of faculty and senior administrators in higher education. Job announcements are posted online and are immediately viewable to our worldwide audience of users. We are the only online posting service with a database of over 1,650,000 subscribers worldwide.

  • Save money - Our services are competitively priced. They are less expensive than higher education job announcements in professional journals. Additionally, they are posted for a longer amount of time and have no text limit.
  • Attain greater exposure - Individuals from thousands of universities, colleges, and community colleges regularly visit our site due to the established reputation of Academic Keys. These are the individuals who will most likely be considering an academic career or change in their current career.
  • Reach your desired audience - Jobs posted on our community colleges site will automatically be included in targeted emails to individuals seeking openings at community colleges.
  • Increase your response rate - Job seekers can apply for your higher education position quickly and easily by using direct links from the job announcement to your department or job site.
  • Post at your convenience - There are no deadlines. Once you have submitted your job announcement, it will be viewable on our site within hours.
  • Flexible payment options - Job postings are invoiced within a few days of the job being posted and approved. We happily accept university purchase orders, electronic funds transfers, or any major credit card for payment.

Post your higher education job announcement now, or view job posting options and pricing information.

Search Our Extensive List of Community Colleges Candidates actively solicits applicants that are interested in faculty positions (either part-time or full-time), graduate school, post-doctoral research, and administrative opportunities. If you or your institution are a current subscriber to services, you can search our online database. Our extensive database also allows you to download their resumes.

Please proceed to the applicant search page and log in.